When we were asked to create a digital garden, the first thing that came to my mind was a Schrebergarten, also known as Kleingarten or Gartenkolonie. I had never seen one before moving to Berlin, perhaps because they are quintessentially German -- though you do find allotment gardens in other parts of the worlds. They are small plots of land designed to offer refuge from city life, a place to grow your own food or plants and flowers, and connect with loved ones and other members of the community. These concepts and values underscore the digital garden you now find yourself in.
Here, you’ll find a collection of things I’m working on, questions I’m asking myself, weekly reflections, a reading list, and a few weeds too. Stay a while or take a stroll through some of the other plots below.
My digital Schrebergarten is:
accessible to all
in a constant state of growth and evolution
one plot in a larger ecosystem
open to interpretation and feedback
An initial mock up PositionalityEverything you need to know about garden colonies (DW link) Enchanté